Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Program -- Initiative for Art & Architecture Collaborations


PROGRAM is a nonprofit project aimed at testing the disciplinary boundaries of architecture through collaborations with other fields. Initiated in 2006 by Carson Chan and Fotini Lazaridou-Hatzigoga, PROGRAM provides a discursive platform for artists, architects, critics and curators to explore ideas through exhibitions, performances, workshops, lectures, and residencies. PROGRAM intends to enrich and broaden our definitions of architecture, and to challenge traditional, domesticated modes of architectural practice and representation. Developing each project independent of an overarching agenda, PROGRAM is striving to diversify the ways we understand and make architecture. Central to our project is to engage the discourse with emerging creative processes that activate the space between pure theoretical research, professional praxis and architecture's social role.


This space was recommended to me. It is much more Architecture oriented, as you may have noticed,  but there is a significant photo/video/installation component from what I saw at the present show and trolling thought their previous exhibits. The work is conceptual and they appear to have a variety of both emerging and established artists but all contemporary. The exhibition space is gorgeous and they have done collaborations in the past (with London). The artists who told me to check it out also said that this centre would be good for me to check out since it is independent but very well funded. The sq. ft area of the gallery is quite large but the entire front is windows and it is quite open (no dividing wall like Les T.) so the wall space may actually be comparable. I did not on the other hand chat with anyone there since there are offices are in a separate room but all and all a nice professional space. 

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