Tuesday, October 26, 2010

KW Institute for Contemporary Art


KW Institute for Contemporary Art in Berlin is a place for the production and presentation of discourse oriented contemporary art.

KW has no collection of its own but instead views itself as a laboratory for communicating and advancing contemporary cultural developments in Germany and abroad by means of exhibitions, workshops and resident artists' studios, as well as by collaborating with artists or other institutions and by commissioning works.


The KW has multiple (beautiful) exhibition spaces, varying in size, and presents and excellent array of quality conceptual art in their programming. I attended a guest lecture as well as the current exhibits which include an installation piece, photography and video. There are three current exhibits/events on at KW so for a collaboration, one of their exhibit spaces could be dedicated to the show, not the all the spaces since it is probably about 4000 sq ft. They appear to be open to collaborating with other institutions (from their mandate) and are not commercial. Their shows are well documented and included press releases and exhibiton publications. The two shows that are currently on are well curated and organized. They are an institution so I am not sure if they would be interested in collaborating with a smaller gallery (since they normally collaborate with large institutions) but perhaps if the project involves a really innovative collaborative curatorial concept it could work. As far as I can see, KW would be a dream partner, although perhaps it is a bit ambitious.

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