Monday, October 18, 2010

Galerie Feinkost


Aaron Moulton (director & curator): My work as a gallerist will be to step back and ask some simple questions that should be asked more often such as: “What is the purpose of art in relationship to culture?” And even more basic: “Is that art and why?” The programming is two-fold with one space dedicated to solo presentations and the other to curated shows. Both work against and inform each other to create a context. Curated shows will be topically based in current cultural, social and political issues and not just art world-centric ones so that anyone who reads a newspaper will have a frame of reference for looking at contemporary art. I see my role as a curator and an advo- cate for those I work with more than that of a merchant but I also have to pay the bills. Berlin, unlike New York, London or Milan, is one of the last places where interesting collaborations can un-self-consciously occur without a necessity of guarantees.


This gallery has quite an interesting space and the show that is currently exhibited is very intelligently and interestingly curated. The owner was present at the gallery and was very welcoming, although spent more time looking at the show than talking with him about the organization of the gallery although it appears to be more commercially oriented from what I have found online, the gallery does not actually have a mandate on their web page but there are several publications on the gallery that discuss the concepts and work of the owner as a curator that position it as being very conceptual in the approach and content of the works exhibited. 

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