Monday, October 18, 2010

PM Galerie

PM galerie, founded by Aurelia Defrance and Julie Grosche in 2009, is a combination residency program and gallery space. We host international artists invited to live and work with us for the purpose of creating a dynamic engagement between artists and curators. The residency culminates in an exhibition of the pieces created in situ.
The gallery’s goal is to create a cultural exchange of ideas on contemporary art, with an emphasis on sculpture, between international artists and the Berlin community. Moreover, the programm gives an opportunity to young artists to expand their practices and gain great visibility on an international circuit. It encourages them and their artistic concepts to enter into a critical arena.
This gallery was recommended to me by an artist I met. I managed to talk with the owners while I visited and asked them all about their gallery. They started the gallery about 1.5 years ago, so it is a fairly new project but already getting good press. The owners started wanting to work mainly with installation but have been refining and re-evaluating their programming. The owners are originally from France and both studied fine art in Lyon. The space is organized as a non commercial gallery.  The space is composed of 2 rooms (about equal size to Les Territories).

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