Monday, November 8, 2010

Im namen des raumes ---forum für kunst, design & genuss

*About: A project combining art, design and culinary pleasure. Programme of exhibitions, performances, lectures and subject-related literature for an all-around, culturally saturating experience. The project in the name of the room is made up of three basic components: an art space, a design space and a small café bar. The concept stems from linking art and design with a self-sufficient space to create an enjoyable forum where current and relevant projects can be presented and supported. The goal is not to commercialize art but idea is to create an unusual and independent artistic and theoretical positions away from the art market which are presented to the main stream and public.  Curatorial approach: We are concerned about finding an innovative approach to the chosen topic and symbiosis create new connections. In addition, to complement the exhibitions are selected literature, lectures, discussions and sessions that address the particular meta-aesthetic and a theoretical dimension. We feel compelled investigate the exchange of knowledge and to provide a network that generates new opportunities. 

*The web page is currently in German so this is my very fast slip-slap translation, the actual writing is much better and pragmatic.

Notes: The discovery of this gallery was very exciting for me since it was the first gallery that I had that love at first sight feeling... like it could be the perfect fit for Les Territoires. Which is also why I am posting this one first. When I first read about this gallery I wasn't completely convinced since the cafe/gastro aspect made me wonder a bit about it but the art on the web page seemed quite interesting so I ventured anyway and was happily surprised. Everything about this gallery has a really good feeling, from the conceptual and aesthetic component of art to the owners and the overall vibe of the space. I had a really good talk with the owners who were there and not only were they interested in discussing the project, they checked out the web site of Les T., really liked it and basically seem like they would be really amazing people to work with. They have a good young vibe but are very intelligent (both have degrees in Cultural Studies and Art History) and there is excellent documentation in the gallery on the past exhibits, current exhibit and a whole press binder (and they have only been open for one year). They are very good at promoting their space and appear to be extremely organized and well considered in their approach. 

Go to In names des raumes

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