Monday, November 8, 2010

The Grimmuseum


GRIMMUSEUM is an non-profit artist-run exhibition space and platform for visual, performance and sound art in the premises of the former Luise Grimm Museum in the Fichte Strasse 2 in Kreuzberg, Berlin. Luise Grimm was a Berlin painter (1900-1991) who lived and worked for 28 years in the house where the GRIMMUSEUM stands today.

GRIMMUSEUM was initiated by the artist Enrico Centonze in November 2009 with the goal to create an interdisciplinary platform for the Berlin-based artist and curator community, young as well as established, to push the boundaries of curatorial praxis and to stimulate the dialogue between Berlin and the international art community. The GRIMMUSEUM is organized by artists for artists and its activities are divided in 3 categories: visual, performance and sound art. A group of 12 international artists runs the interdisciplinary program of exhibitions, residencies, performances, concerts and events that aims to be an exemplary representative of the spectrum of contemporary art.

The GRIMMUSEUM also operates as a network for artists and curators, mapping the Berlin art scene and making it accessible to a broader audience. An artist archive and a media center is being planned; artists can become a member of the GRIMMUSEUM for a small annual fee that will allow them to deposit their dossiers, film and sound works as well as their contacts in an artists index that will be made accessible to curators, gallery owners, collectors as well as to the general public. GRIMMUSEUM will also organize tours of artist studios on demand.

GRIMMUSEUM is interested in selective cooperations with different organisers of contemporary art exhibitions in order to co-produce exceptional projects. A Berlin Off-Spaces Biennial and a Perfomance and Sound Art Festival is also being planned.

GRIMMUSEUM is a non-profit organization and is entirely privately funded relying on the acquisition of third-party funding in order to realize its projects. The international team of artists responsible for the programming works entirely voluntarily parallel to their own artistic carreers. 


This seems like a really great space and the gallery operators are quite friendly as well, they are sending me a pdf with more information on their organization/ shows which I will read over and see what your response is to the space. The space is quite a bit larger than les territoires but is divided into two sides (as you can see from the exterior shot). The work they present seems very interesting although having gone thought their web page a few times I find that it really does not do their gallery any justice. I think this gallery would be worth having a meeting with to discuss the project with them in detail. 

Wilde Gallery


WILDE Gallery was founded by Canadian-born artist Peter Wilde in September of 2007, as a space for emerging art and curatorial practice.

The gallery program explicitly focuses on the idea of the Painterly in contemporary culture, as manifested in a variety of media. Works exhibited have included video and multi-media art, performance and installation art, photography and works on paper, as well as figurative and abstract painting ranging from traditional representation to contemporary forms of urban art.

The curatorial program has included shows produced by Wayne Baerwaldt, Rita Selvaggio, Heike Fühlbrugge and Doina Popescu, among others. WILDE Gallery has also hosted exhibitions in collaboration with the Berlinale Film Festival’s “Forum Expanded” program, a platform for contemporary cinema encompassing film and art.
Located in Berlin Mitte between the classic gallery neighbourhood of August- and Linenstrasse and the new gallery district of Heidestrasse and Halle am Wasser, the gallery is in close proximity to cultural institutions like the Hamburger Bahnhof Museum for Contemporary Art and the Neuer Berliner Kunstverein (NBK).

Notes: This is one of the few artist-founded/run initiatives that is of a hight calibre that I have found and it is actually founded by a Canadian artist. The space is nice, roughly the same size as Les Territoires. I would need to talk with the director a bit to get a better sense of the whole vibe of the place since it was rather busy when I visited but it did seem promising.

Galerie EIGEN + ART (berlin - leipzig)


The gallery EIGEN + ART, with locations in Leipzig and Berlin, represents established and young artists who work in media like film/video, photography, installation, painting and sculpture as well as conceptual art and performance. Therefore the gallery's program is dedicated in different fields of contemporary art.

Berlin Location: The Galerie EIGEN + ART works since its development continually with a solid number of artists. By the permanent cooperation with the artists, the gallery is involved in the steady development of each artistic position and therefore involved in the current art events since it's beginning. The centre and the origin of the business of the gallery are the represented artists and the development of their artistic work. Furthermore the program is complemented with several artists at a time after longer processes. Referring to the time of foundation of the Galerie EIGEN + ART, group exhibitions in regular terms of young artists are shown that are not an inherent part of the gallery's program.
The artists the Galerie EIGEN + ART represents, work in different areas of fine art as well as in an already established environments and at the beginning of artistic constitutions.


This gallery is part of an original partner gallery in Leipzig. In their history they have worked on international projects in various art capitals. The size of the gallery is roughly the same as Les Territoires, the art seems interesting, well curated and documented. The space feels contemporary, young and vibrant but it is perhaps too established? It started as a gallery project in a loft so it has artist-run roots but is quite slick now. It seems like an interesting possibility but it really depends on how Les Territoires feels about the art they are presenting, I have grafted a few examples here but the web page would warrant visiting to peruse the style of contemporary art and to get a sense of the conceptual content since these images are completely out of context. 

Im namen des raumes ---forum für kunst, design & genuss

*About: A project combining art, design and culinary pleasure. Programme of exhibitions, performances, lectures and subject-related literature for an all-around, culturally saturating experience. The project in the name of the room is made up of three basic components: an art space, a design space and a small café bar. The concept stems from linking art and design with a self-sufficient space to create an enjoyable forum where current and relevant projects can be presented and supported. The goal is not to commercialize art but idea is to create an unusual and independent artistic and theoretical positions away from the art market which are presented to the main stream and public.  Curatorial approach: We are concerned about finding an innovative approach to the chosen topic and symbiosis create new connections. In addition, to complement the exhibitions are selected literature, lectures, discussions and sessions that address the particular meta-aesthetic and a theoretical dimension. We feel compelled investigate the exchange of knowledge and to provide a network that generates new opportunities. 

*The web page is currently in German so this is my very fast slip-slap translation, the actual writing is much better and pragmatic.

Notes: The discovery of this gallery was very exciting for me since it was the first gallery that I had that love at first sight feeling... like it could be the perfect fit for Les Territoires. Which is also why I am posting this one first. When I first read about this gallery I wasn't completely convinced since the cafe/gastro aspect made me wonder a bit about it but the art on the web page seemed quite interesting so I ventured anyway and was happily surprised. Everything about this gallery has a really good feeling, from the conceptual and aesthetic component of art to the owners and the overall vibe of the space. I had a really good talk with the owners who were there and not only were they interested in discussing the project, they checked out the web site of Les T., really liked it and basically seem like they would be really amazing people to work with. They have a good young vibe but are very intelligent (both have degrees in Cultural Studies and Art History) and there is excellent documentation in the gallery on the past exhibits, current exhibit and a whole press binder (and they have only been open for one year). They are very good at promoting their space and appear to be extremely organized and well considered in their approach. 

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